
Prenatal & Postnatal Nutrition Made Simple!


It’s the most special experience—becoming a new mom. Our bodies amaze us by supporting and sustaining the growth of a baby from conception through breast-feeding. Our bodies are amazing and they do know just what to do. That said, they rely on nutrients to be delivered or to be in storage for optimal health before conception, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding your infant.

Why special nutrition advice?

It may seem a no-brainer—your baby’s nutrition comes from you—and we’ve always been told “now you are eating for two.” Well, Mama, that’s true but it’s only one part of the truth; the other part is that your nutrition during this time will impact your health and wellness before and even after your child moves on to getting her nutrition directly from food on the table. Yes, becoming a mother means you will be focused on the health and wellness of another being for the rest of your life. But we also need to set you up for health success. The beauty is that it all has the same source: quality nutrition.

Four Pillars of Better Prenatal & Postnatal Nutrition….

Quality: The quality of what you put in your body dictates how well your body uses what it’s given. So give yourself the best building blocks you can find—after all, growing a new child is enough extra work! J When you’re pregnant, it’s more vital than ever to eat a variety of healthy foods, including organic fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Enjoy these nutrient-dense foods so that every bite delivers something you and your baby will enjoy and thrive on.

Once your baby has arrived, your body has unique nutritional needs, especially if you're breastfeeding. The vitamins and minerals you consume during pregnancy are your baby’s fuel and your baby’s primary building blocks for growth.

Quantity: Pay attention to quantity and you can enjoy your favorite foods. During pregnancy we have some foods that are off limits, so enjoy all your other favorites! During this time, your healthcare practitioner may recommend eating 5 to 6 smaller meals and snacks throughout the day rather than 3 larger meals. Observing quantities will also make things easier on your body—let’s work for you to not feel overwhelmed as you’ve got a lot on your plate already!

Nutrient Balance: I am talking about carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and non-starchy vegetables. These nutrients all combine to give you and your baby energy and balanced nourishment needed to support growth and recovery. Omegas from fish are also recommended for expecting moms, in part because they serve to nourish your baby’s brain.

For nursing mothers, the Omega fatty acids from fish such as wild-caught Alaskan salmon can continue to help support baby's brain and eye development by increasing the amount of DHA (a type of Omega-3) in breast milk.*

Frequency: Your body and your developing baby both need energy at regular intervals throughout the day—think of your body as a race car that needs to regularly make pit stops to replenish its fuel. Getting your nutrition at regular intervals rather than all at once will set you and your baby up for optimally managing what is coming in, how to best use it, and what needs eliminating. (It may also support healthy blood sugar regulation; ask your healthcare practitioner for more information.)

Ashley’s Prenatal & Postnatal Health Highlights:

We can try to get all the nutrients we need to support pregnancy and breast-feeding from food choices—but often life intervenes—and that’s why healthcare practitioners recommend quality nutrient supplementation. It’s always important that a supplement delivers the nutrients in a form that your body recognizes easily—from quality food sources—and in an appropriate quantity, but this is especially true during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

That’s why I recommend New Chapter®’s Perfect Prenatal™ multivitamin or Perfect Postnatalmultivitamin. Plus New Chapter’s Wholemega™ for Moms is a naturally pure, 100% wild-caught Alaskan salmon fish oil that delivers 17 whole, natural Omegas, including Omega-3s.

Many people, especially expectant mothers, wonder how any food, including a multivitamin, is going to affect the stomach. Every New Chapter multivitamin is fermented with whole foods and beneficial probiotics to create nourishment for mom and baby that’s gentle to take, even on an empty stomach.

New Chapter multivitamins are independently certified to be made with organic vegetables and herbs and are Non-GMO Project Verified.

Have more questions? Check out my Better Prenatal/Postnatal Nutrition Simplified nutrition advicehere

**Excerpted from New Chapter’s website; Ashley Koff RD is a paid spokesperson for New Chapter and also recommends the products mentioned to patients in her private practice.